Growth Hypoallergenic Box Mix for Puppies



Growth box mix is for puppies under 1 year old it contains more supplements and additional calcium for development and healthy bone growth.

Premium quality grain with carefully chosen herbs and supplements, crafted together to ensure your dog gest nutritious and delicious food to look and feel their best.

Our mixed grain recipes are hypoallergenic and uncomplicated, designed for Adult and Puppy homemade food.

The purpose of any diet is to provide your dog with optimal nutrition to develop and maintain a maximum level of health.

If, however, your dog doesn’t like the taste of what you put in his bowl and he refuses to eat, then the diet is a definite failure. Even though our food was formulated to provide wholesome nutrition we “lucked out” and dogs are crazy about the smell and taste of our meatloaf.

A natural home-prepared diet is one of the best investments – of both time and money – that you can make to improve and maintain the quality of your dog’s life. Our “mix” customers are rewarded by their dog’s excitement at meal time each and every day. They have chosen to prepare the same meatloaf that we make using our own recipe and dog food mix. Some have become rather creative by trying different meats and vegetables. Others have made this a family affair… children love to help make dog food.

Each box of dog food mix, Hypoallergenic and Growth makes approximately six batches. There are eight trays in a batch. There’s a recipe in every box.

‍Not sure about cooking for the dog? Why not give it a try. A trial size is available which includes enough mix for one batch plus aluminum pans and lids.

Make it yourself and there’ll be no mystery in the nutritious, wholesome meals you feed your dog.     YOU’ll FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT!

Contains: Stone Ground – Brown Rice Flour, Oat Flour, Whole Barley Flour, Carob Powder, ParsleyFlakes,Garlic Powder, Ground Ginger, Rubbed Oregano,Rubbed Marjoram, Ground Rosemary, LecithinGranules, Kelp, Calcium Carbonate (Eggshell Powder),VitaminC.

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